Privacy statement

In this privacy statement you will read everything there is to know about the way we collect your personal data, and how they are being processed. We will explain where your personal details are stored, and for which purposes we store them. Furthermore, you will find information about your rights concerning the handling of your data, and how you can retain those rights. The privacy statement will at times be adjusted to, for example, changes in legislation. It is therefore recommended to regularly consult this privacy statement.

BIG Machinery B.V.

You are reading the privacy statement of BIG Machinery B.V.. BIG Machinery an international trading company in heavy machinery, trucks, and other business. There are situations in which your personal details are collected by BIG Machinery B.V.. Therefore, it is appropriate for you to know how they are handled, and how you can express your personal wishes when it comes to handling your data. That is what this statement is about. Should you be uncomfortablewith the way BIG Machinery dealing with your data, please contact us! | +31 (0)418 674 545
Schiemerik 1 | 5334 NL | Velddriel

Purpose of data

Data are stored by BIG Machinery for several purposes, which are explained below.

  1. The distribution of newsletters;
    BIG Machinery B.V.uses e-mail to send newsletters. These newsletters are mainly used to bring notice to the array of products to those who are interested. Your first name and e-mail address are collected via the designated form on the website of BIG Machinery B.V.
  2. Contact us;
    Your data will be gathered at the moment you contact BIG Machinery B.V.through ourwebsite. In the contact form, however, we will only ask for the details which enable us to makepropositions or offer services, by asking for your name, company name, e-mailaddress, telephone number, and project description.
  3. Analytics;
    The website of BIG Machinery B.V.collects your data to improve the website. This is done through GoogleAnalytics. These anonymous details are, on that account, not linked to your personal details. The collected data concerns, for example, the amount of time you spend on a website, or the specific pages you often visit. All data are only processed with your explicit consent in order to execute agreements, or because they are necessary to bring you in contact with potential relations and/or customers.


The data which is collected and processed by BIG Machinery B.V.are managed by:

  1. Mailchimp
    Newsletters are being sent through Mailchimp. Once you apply for our newsletter, your e-mail address and first name are automatically stored in the designated list within Mailchimp.
  2. MKB Online Services
    E-mail of BIG Machinery hosted by MKB Online Services. When you contact ususing the forms, or via e-mail, these e-mails are stored on the servers of MKB Online Services.
  3. Combell
    The website and back-ups of the website are hosted by Combell. Details which you enter on the website of BIG Machinery B.V.are stored on the servers of Combell.

Duration of storing data

Your data is stored for a certain duration by BIG Machinery B.V., but never longer than necessary to execute activities, unless we areobliged by law to store your data for a longer period of time.

  1. Distributing newsletters
    Your e-mail address and first name are stored by Mailchimp. These data are stored for an indefinite period of time. You can unsubscribe to the newsletter whenever you please by clicking on the link at the bottom of the newsletters, or by sending an e-mail to
  2. Contact us
    From the moment you contact BIG Machinery B.V.using e-mail, we will collect the details you give us, such as your name, company name, and e-mail address, and store them on our mailserver. These e-mails are stored for a maximum amount of two years.
  3. Analytics
    The data collected by Analytics on our website are anonymous, and thus not linked to your name, company, or e-mail address. These data are stored by Google Analytics for anindefinite period of time.


There are no physical copies being made of your personal data. Your details will only be handled by the systems and software companies which are mentioned before. The personal data which is handled by BIG Machinery B.V.or by the afore mentioned third parties are only accessible by using the afore mentioned software, and they are secured with a password and, if possible, by a two-step verification. When using this two-step verification, a certain code is being generated and sent by the software to BIG Machinery B.V.This code is then used for logging in.

The devices that have access to your data are locked by means of passwords and/or fingerprints. The amount of devices that have access to your data are limited to the minimum amount of necessary equipment.

Furthermore, your website-visit is secured by an SSL certificate. This means that your connection with the website of BIG Machinery is private. You can recognize this security device by the small green lock before the url. Additionally, the domain of BIG Machinery signed with DNSSEC. This is an extra device to make sure that the ‘infrastructure’ of the website is more secure and reliable.


  1. Right to inspection
    At all times you own the right to request perusal of your personal data which is collected and stored by BIG Machinery B.V.. You can do this by sending an e-mail or contact BIG Machinery Inc. by phone. You will then receive an overview of your data.
  2. Right to rectification
    Do your details contain errors? Have your details changed? You have the right to have these rectified by BIG Machinery B.V.. You can change your details concerning the newsletter using the specific url which you can find at the bottom of every e-mail.
  3. Right to transfer
    In case you move to another party or service, and need the data which are stored at BIG Machinery Inc. to be transferred, you have the right to data transfer. BIG Machinery is obliged to transfer all your data to the other party.
  4. Right to delete data
    Should you no longer wish your details to be stored at BIG Machinery B.V., you own the right to delete all your personal data.
  5. Right to file a complaint
    You have the right to file a complaint with the Authority of Personal Data (In Dutch: the “Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens”) if you think that BIG Machinery B.V.does not handle your personal data in the right way. You can do this by using the website ofthe Authority of Personal Data.
  6. Right to stop the use of data (complaint)
    In case you do not want BIG Machinery use your personal data, you have the right to cease all use of your personal details. You can execute this right by sending an email to, to which you attach a copy of your ID of which the photo, ID number, and you personal ID number (for Dutch citizens the BSN number ) are made invisible. We strive to respond to your request within the course of one week.


BIG Machinery B.V.handles personal data on the basis of righteous interest, namely a commercial interest. This means the placing of services and products of BIG Machinery B.V.via e-mail. Your data will never be sold to third parties.

The data which you are obligated to supply contain the minimum amount of data necessary for selling services and products. Your e-mail address, for example, is necessary for us in order to be able to send you our newsletter. If these details are not provided, it is impossible for BIG Machinery execute the specific services.

In case it is necessary for us to share the data you provided to BIG Machinery B.V.with other parties than the ones mentioned above (for example for the providing of services), we will first explicitly ask for your consent.

BIG Machinery B.V.holds the right to disclose data when we are lawfully obliged to do so, or when BIG Machinery deems this rightful in order to meet a legal request/process, or in order to protect the rights, ownership, or security of BIG Machinery B.V.. We will always strive to respect your right to privacy to the best possible degree.

Do you have any more questions? Do not hesitate to contact us via the following contact details.
Schiemerik 1 | 5334 NL | Velddriel
Tel. +31 (0) 418 674545


BIG Machinery is your recommended supplier for new and used machines for the earthmoving- , demolition- and mining industry.

BIG Machinery stocks heavy equipment, consisting of more than 500 machines. We have the largest fleet in Europe, and consequently, we can deliver the equipment you want anywhere in the world at very short notice.

The BIG headquarters is located in Velddriel, The Netherlands.


You have further questions or you want a detailed advice? We will be happy to assist! Please fill in the form and you will receive the required information without further obligations

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